It's your first birthday in Heaven
I know you're happy there
It just doesn't seem possible That it has been a year.
You're surrounded by friends, and family
That we miss and love,
And you're watching over those you left
Smiling down from above.
It's your first birthday in Heaven
We send our love to you,
And we find comfort in the reward.
Just to know, a birthday spent in Heaven,
Means you'll spend it with the Lord
All rights reserved Diane Dunwell-Hoffman 2009
My Aunt Dot will always hold a very dear place in my heart. I always had a great time during sleepovers at her house. She would take me to Sunday School at her church in Oxford. I always had fun hanging out at Connolly's farm with Paula, Butch and Pete.
I know you're happy there
It just doesn't seem possible That it has been a year.
You're surrounded by friends, and family
That we miss and love,
And you're watching over those you left
Smiling down from above.
It's your first birthday in Heaven
We send our love to you,
And we find comfort in the reward.
Just to know, a birthday spent in Heaven,
Means you'll spend it with the Lord
All rights reserved Diane Dunwell-Hoffman 2009

Oxford Presbyterian Church Sunday School
Aunt Dot loved to tell us stories of those she loved. She would tell us a story of Petey when he was little. One Easter Sunday the pastor at the church asked the kids if anyone knew who Peter was, and Petey answered, "I know, I know, Peter Cotton Tail!" She told funny stories about me and my favorite meal "Oast Beef, Smashed Potatoes, and Peas." Sometimes it would be "Meat Oaf, Smashed Potatoes, and Peas." I can remember the story of the time that Uncle Charlie was in the Minstrel Show, and afterward when they were coming out to their cars, there was a blizzard outside, a couple of feet of snow. She told a story of my mother loosing one of her "falsies" (fake boob enhancers prelude to padded bra)on a dance floor. She made us all laugh. When I was a child, I loved her visits to our house. The grown ups at the table were always laughing. I also remember that she usually had photos from a trip she and Uncle Charlie had taken.
Years later I so loved to see her smiling face come through the door at the airport for an extended stay at my home. We continued to have lots of fun, and she had a real knack at telling a joke. She would have a few new ones, and would repeat a few we had already heard. Each time she and Uncle Charlie came up for a visit I would take them to visit "Mary Package" Patrick in Oxford. I so loved the trip to Oxford. It brought a rush of wonderful memories of those precious moments spent on Orams Lane.
A trip to Oxford would not be complete without lunch at "Hot Johnnys" the endearing name her grand daughter Andrea gave to Johnny's Doggie Stand on Rt. 46 in Buttzville, just outside of Oxford.
Years later I so loved to see her smiling face come through the door at the airport for an extended stay at my home. We continued to have lots of fun, and she had a real knack at telling a joke. She would have a few new ones, and would repeat a few we had already heard. Each time she and Uncle Charlie came up for a visit I would take them to visit "Mary Package" Patrick in Oxford. I so loved the trip to Oxford. It brought a rush of wonderful memories of those precious moments spent on Orams Lane.

It was awfully sad to see my dear Aunt Dot slip away through the devastating affects of Alzheimer's. Yet, just a week or so before she passed away last October when asked how she felt, she replied, "With my hands." Yes, that was Aunt Dot, she was a jokester to the end. She will remain in the hearts of all who knew her, she was and continues to be loved. Happy Birthday Aunt Dot!

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